These practices have been developed through experience and serve to assist Ministry Teams in their performance of the Rite, and in preparing to support the residents of the Communities we serve.
- Contact Senior Living Community director/point of contact a few days (3-4 days) prior to service: (1) remind Director (or point of contact) of service. (2) verify service details (number of Catholics, time, room/location, specifics for the community, etc) (3) check for Community changes.
- Contact Ministry Teammate a few days (3-4 days) prior to service: (1) Remind each other of service. (2) Discuss plans for picking up Hosts. (3) Discuss service details (music, reading assignments, Gospel reflection, etc) (4) Find trained substitute if Teammate is not available. (5) Contact Ministry Chairman if assistance is needed.
- Coordination with Parish to pick up Hosts: (1) Know your Parish procedures for getting Hosts. (2) Who to contact (primary and back-up contacts). (3) Phone number for contact(s). (4) Location of Sacristy / how to get into Sacristy. (5) Location of Hosts. (6) Office hours (hours to pick up Hosts).
- Communion Distribution during service: (1) non-Catholics may not receive Holy Communion. (2) giving a blessing to non-Catholics residents is appropriate. (3) a small piece of Host is sufficient. (4) residents may need water to take Hosts. (5) one Minister deliver Hosts, one assists (water cups, watch for dropped Hosts, watch that Host is swallowed). (6) bring just what you need…a few Hosts broken into smaller pieces is better than extra Hosts. (7) work with the Community Director to identify Catholics and those who can/cannot swallow.