Jesus teaches us to see others as God sees them.
Though our enemies may mistreat us, Jesus teaches us not to respond in judgment. Rather, we are to be loving and forgiving, just as our Father is kind and merciful. We must see others as God sees them, in the same way that David is able to see his enemy Saul as God’s anointed, and Jesus is able to see sinners as worthy of goodness and love.
Liturgy of the Word
In the first reading, David spares the life of his enemy Saul, because Saul is God’s anointed. In the second reading, Paul speaks of the first man, Adam, from earth and the last Adam, from heaven. He says, Just as we have borne the image of the earthly one, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly one. In the Gospel, Jesus teaches his disciples to love their enemies and be merciful as God is merciful, for they will be treated the same in return.
Scripture Commentaries
Below are Scripture Commentaries which can be used for the preparation of those involved in the Lector Ministry for St. Dominic Parish. Each week there is a brief focus and then a commentary on the readings selected for that week. Please use these as you prepare to read holy scripture for Mass. If you need anything else to help you prepare please contact the Director of Music and Liturgy.
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Jesus teaches us to see others as God sees them.
Though our enemies may mistreat us, Jesus teaches us not to respond in judgment. Rather, we are to be loving and forgiving, just as our Father is kind and merciful. We must see others as God sees them, in the same way that David is able to see his enemy Saul as God’s anointed, and Jesus is able to see sinners as worthy of goodness and love.
Liturgy of the Word
In the first reading, David spares the life of his enemy Saul, because Saul is God’s anointed. In the second reading, Paul speaks of the first man, Adam, from earth and the last Adam, from heaven. He says, Just as we have borne the image of the earthly one, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly one. In the Gospel, Jesus teaches his disciples to love their enemies and be merciful as God is merciful, for they will be treated the same in return.
The sting of death has been banished by the victory of Christ.
In the second reading we heard that death is no longer something to be feared, for it has been swallowed up by the victory of Christ: Where, O death, is your sting? Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection have transformed death into the road to eternal life. Therefore, in this life, we must labor with the steadfast hope of attaining heaven, certain that if we strive to serve the Lord our work is not in vain.
Liturgy of the Word
Today’s first reading warns of the power of speech to reveal one’s faults. In the second reading, Paul explains that Jesus has defeated sin, the cause of death. In the Gospel, Jesus tells his disciples to stop judging others, and says that every tree is known by its own fruit.
Lent is an opportunity to deepen our commitment to God.
Lent provides an opportunity to recommit (or commit for the first time) to an intense living of the Christian life. No matter what has transpired since the previous Lent, God desires our return to him even now, as the first reading reminds us. The three Lenten disciplines of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving are practical ways we express our intention to return to the Lord.
Liturgy of the Word
In the first reading, the prophet Joel exhorts the people to return to the Lord with their whole heart and proclaim a fast. The Lord is stirred and takes pity on his people. In the second reading, Paul calls for reconciliation with God and announces that now is the day of salvation. Jesus tells his disciples in the Gospel to be careful not to perform righteous deeds in order to attract attention to themselves; they are to receive their reward from God.
Engaging in challenges on our Lenten journey can help us prepare to carry our own cross.
One way Jesus prepared for his public ministry was to go into the desert, filled with the Holy Spirit, to be tempted by the devil. We may have to confront a similar experience during Lent: While striving to follow the inspirations of the Holy Spirit, we encounter temptations to abandon our good resolutions. Jesus’ example shows us the disposition we must have if we are to triumph over the enemy.
Liturgy of the Word
In the first reading, Moses explains to the people how they are to offer their firstfruits to the Lord. Paul explores the connection between faith, its profession, and salvation and justification. After his baptism, Jesus spends 40 days in the desert where he encounters the devil and resists his temptations.
Stand firm in faith.
This season of Lent prepares us for Easter, when we will celebrate the Lord’s resurrection. In today’s Gospel Peter, John, and James get a glimpse of Jesus’ glorified body. This is the type of body that Paul tells the Philippians we will one day have, as long as we stand firm in our faith – not only in Christ’s resurrection, but also in his cross.
Liturgy of the Word
In the first reading, God makes a covenant with Abram, promising descendants as numerous as the stars and land for them to inhabit. Paul tells the Philippians to imitate him, conducting themselves not as enemies of the cross, but standing firm in the Lord. In the Gospel, Jesus is transfigured on the mountain; Moses and Elijah appear with him in glory.